The woods behind our house. Thick, full of danger.
The Sound
"Did you hear that?" I ask. "What?", she says. "I thought I heard a cat crying in the woods out there." She stops, listens and says, "No, I don't hear anything."
We all watch the world evolving from one where individuality and self-reliance was highly valued to one where social saturation and centralized everything is the norm. If knowledge is power (it is), then more and more power is concentrated …
This is Stackernoes. We play with a double-nine set, but I don't think it matters.
This is Stackernoes
First thing let me say this: I did a reasonable search of the Internet for a similar game, and I didn't find one. So until proven otherwise, I'm under the impression I …
We have a very natural Northwest Florida yard. That would be pretty much the opposite of a manicured yard. My basic philosophy is, if it is green and will grow in this sand, I'm not killing it. There are …
There's been quite a bit of stuff published in the past few weeks about the "dangers of spreadsheets". Excel in particular is being spotlighted as a dangerous tool hurting millions of people.
We are full to overflowing. Synapses connecting, linking, birthing ideas.
Surely the world needs to know what's on our mind. Our thoughts, our griefs, our passions, our angst. Our burden will not be confined. Our compulsion to exposit is strong. The urge …
Image: It all started here: a condenser fan motor.
When I was a child I rarely needed a good reason to do a thing. When asked why I had done a thing, quite often my first response was, "Uh, I dunno. Just …
I don't think we will EVER get there. I've been sitting in this back seat for most of my life. Every time I ask the people in the front seat how much longer, they say stuff like, "About two minutes less than the last time you asked."
This love is a slow love,
This love don’t move too fast,
This love was in the first place,
This love will be the last.
This love can bring me to my knees,
This love can give me wings.
And carry me to heaven high,
Or bind me with …
With all that is within me,
I will choose serenity,
accepting the things I cannot change,
standing courageous to change the things I can,
and seeking wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hard work as a path to …
I am.
What more is there to say?
I wake to find the dawning,
Another Earth-bound day.
Another quest which lay,
Before my feeble feet.
Another hour of effort,
Exchanged for bread and meat.
I am.
Alone it should suffice.
To breathe, to laugh, to struggle,
Between the fire and …
This is my highway.
It stretches true and straight
as far as the eye can see
from mountain to mountain,
without hint of ambiguity
or duplicitous intent.
This is my road.
It waits, neither friend nor foe,
impassionate, trustworthy, honest.
And when upon it I step with the load I …
When day alone is not enough,
To illuminate my soul,
When I eat life dry and tough,
And force to swallow whole,
When the wind of circumstance
Blows cold against my skin,
It is then, only then I truly know,
How blessed I am
To hold your hand.
Some people think that dogs are dumb,
but that's a mistake as a rule of thumb.
They sucker you in in their hang-dog way;
when you're asleep they commence to play.
It's late at night and the puppy's bored,
she's looking around for a brand new toy.
Sneaks into the …
Every woman is beautiful. Deep in the eyes of all women shines the hopeful expectancy of a young girl gazing up at her father with all the wonder, trust and love of the whole world sparkling. If you look past the hurt, past the fear, beyond the suspicion, yes, even …
Some are like the towering oak,
impervious to the storm.
Some are like the grass that patiently
crumbles great mountains beneath its roots.
Some are like the apple or plum,
yielding up their fragrant fruit.
But I am like the sunflower,
easily bending, long and spindly,
face following the sun …