Other articles

  1. The Tiniest Thing

    I've printed a bunch of parts on the Prusa printer. But today (yesterday, actually) I printed the smallest functional part I've ever done. Roughly 7x7x5mm. Tiny thing.

    The tiny thing is part of PoohPi.

    PoohPi sits at my wife's desk and greets her every morning with statistics that will inform …

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  2. OpenSCAD Pi Zero Model

    When I build things using the Prusa 3D printer, I like to also create a model of the part I'm making brackets or enclosures for. That way I can see how the whole thing is going to fit together without making bad assumptions about how any particular part is going …

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  3. PiNet - the pool

    Pool Pump and Lighting Control

    When my wife's in-ground pool was completed, it quickly became apparent the controls for the pump and lights were designed in a tech vacuum.

    Image: The original controller parts.

    The control head (receiver, and manual buttons) was attached to the power panel through a knockout on top. It looked like …

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