Other articles

  1. Old Friends

    Image: Friends.

    Some things work by design,
    Others just work on their own,
    Some will turn out fine,
    While others make us groan.

    Some things make us wary,
    Unsure of what comes next,
    Old friends rarely vary,
    That's why they're the best.

    Divergent paths we follow,
    Then find common ground,
    The threads …

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  2. Road

    Image: A long straight road.

    This is my highway.
    It stretches true and straight
    as far as the eye can see
    from mountain to mountain,
    without hint of ambiguity
    or duplicitous intent.

    This is my road.
    It waits, neither friend nor foe,
    impassionate, trustworthy, honest.
    And when upon it I step with the load I …

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