Yann Arthus-Bertrand | Legacy

Image: An IPv6 Address.
Image: Inspiringly beautiful, and yet deadly.

Everyone disagrees on some things, but we can all agree this Earth is a wondrous place.

A Frenchman shares my thoughts. Maybe my thoughts are not so strange after all.

I stumbled upon a documentary on Amazon Prime the other night. Legacy. Narrated by Sting. "Why not?" I thought. I sat through it mesmerized by the stunning views of our shared homeworld as seen through the eye of an award-winning photogapher and film director. Just breathtaking.

I have written here that I have seen the world change with my own eyes. Bertrand, too, has seen it. I have written about the finite nature of the Earth's resources, and how the burgeoning human population is taxing nature's ability to sustain us. He also has seen this.

Unless you are one of those people whose mind is made up and feels they already know everything there is to know, you should take a couple of hours to view this film. At the very least you will agree that Bertrand's footage of the world on which we live is absolutely stunning. At most you will come away with an expanded appreciation for the challenges facing every living thing on this tiny orb.

I highly recommend Legacy to you as a thing that certainly worked for me. Maybe you'll agree. Or not. Either way, you will benefit for having seen it.

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