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We Have a Really Good Case of Gas

When your day is done, and you want to ride on,
She don't lie, she don't lie, she don't lie.

Camping without propane is like a day without sunshine. Well, almost. Most of my life I used wood campfires, but now I'm older and have the ability to use a cleaner fuel to warm me on chilly nights and make my morning coffee.

Not to mention hot water for showering. That's something to sing about.

I would not even begin working on propane systems without a leak detector. I ordered and received this little guy before doing any of the other work. I tested it to my satisfaction before starting anything. I like my eyebrows. I want them to stay on my face.

When I received the tank-mount, I took it out to the trailer and started planning a mounting strategy. Turns out it was a unistrut solution, which comes as no surprise. Two lengths of stut, four 90's and 3/8" bolts, washers and nylock nuts and we are solidly attached to the frame.

This regulator is really nice. It has selection switch that lets me pick the active tank. It has a window that is empty when there is gas in the active tank, and shows a red flag when that tank is empty. It automatically switches to the reserve tank when the selected tank is empty. Then you disconnect the empty tank and get it filled or replaced. Easy peasey.

I really like these 12 foot hoses. I ended up buying three of them, one for the water heater, one for the stove and one for the heater. The kit comes with fittings, which is nice.

Once the gas leaves the regulator, it hits this manifold which has these valves to control the flow beyond the manifold. The exception is the heater circuit which comes directly out of a tank before the regulator, hits one of these valves and then proceeds down its own hose to a filter and regulator in the heater. That is required by the design of the heater.

As with all the systems in The Bug, I took my time to work out the kinks before they happened. A little planning goes a long way.

Here be the Gallery of Gas

The propane system is working like a champ. No leaks. No runs. No errors. A Thing that Works!

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